Upon completion of a transcoding task, AuroraCloud asynchronously sends task status and metadata to your designated endpoint via an HTTP POST request to the configured notify_url
This guide details callback configuration, data protocol specifications, and parameter semantics.
In the design of AuroraCloud, the callback address (notify_url) and the storage target (such as a S3 Bucket) are positioned at the same configuration level to fully accommodate the diverse business scenario needs of customers:
API Endpoint:
POST https://api.visionular.com/vodencoding/v1/add_storage
Request Body Example:
{"region": "cn-zhangjiakou","type": "oss","bucket": "your-bucket-name","prefix": "custom/output/path","storage_ak": "LTAI5t5******EWduEV3Pja", // Replace with your Access Key"storage_sk": "xqTJfWzDA******DFm9WOsBChCRF", // Replace with your Secret Key"notify": "https://your-endpoint.com/transcode-callback" // Callback URL}
Key Parameters:
: A publicly accessible HTTPS endpoint.Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Body: JSON payload containing task status and metadata.
{"code": 0, // Global status code"msg": "succeeded", // Aggregated status"callback_url": "http://xxx.com/notify", // Redundant field (matches notify_url)"data": [ // Task result array{"task_id": "20220420111542664667cccc3d179880","input": "https://input-source.com/test.mp4","output": "oss://output-bucket/path/test.mp4","format": "mp4", // Output format (mp4/hls/dash/flv)"status": "succeeded", // Task status"duration": 30.0, // Media duration (seconds)"spend_time": 2.0 // Processing time (seconds)},{"task_id": "20220420111542664667cccc3d179780","status": "failed", // Failed task example"error_code": 1003, // Error code (if available)"error_msg": "Invalid input file" // Error description (if available)}]}
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
code | int | Yes | Global status code (fixed to 0 ). |
msg | string | Yes | Aggregated status:succeeded – All tasks succeeded |
failed – At least one task failed.data | JSON Array | Yes | Array of task results (supports batch processing). |
task_id | string | Yes | Unique task identifier for logging and troubleshooting. |
input | string | Conditional | Input media URI (returned for successful tasks). |
output | string | Conditional | Output file path (returned for successful tasks). |
format | string | Conditional | Output format: mp4 /hls /dash /flv (returned for successful tasks). |
status | string | Yes | Task status: succeeded or failed . |
duration | float | Optional | Media duration in seconds (may be omitted for failed tasks). |
spend_time | float | Optional | Processing time in seconds. |
error_code | int | Optional | Error code for failed tasks (e.g., 1003 ). |
error_msg | string | Optional | Error description for failed tasks. |
200 OK
; otherwise, AuroraCloud retries delivery (max 3 attempts, 5-second intervals).{"ack": true}
to deduplicate potential retries.status=failed
tasks using error_code