In this guide you will learn how to use signed URLs for securing playback.
Playback ID has two types - public
and signed
. Public video playback URLs can be watched anywhere, any time, without any restrictions. Signed playback URLs, on the other hand, include JSON Web Token (JWT) that are signed server-side by your application. It should be noted that if no playback policy is specified, the default value is 'public.' If specified, a maximum of 20 playback policies are supported.
Follow these steps to create signed URLs:
Step 1. Create a Live Stream with a signed playback policy
When creating a live stream, the policy parameter is signed.
// POST{"policy":"signed"}
Step 2. Create the signing key
Signing keys can be created from the AuroraLive API. When creating a new signing key, the API generates a 2048-bit RSA key-pair and returns the private key and a generated key-id. Securely store the private key for signing the token, and AuroraLive stores the public key to validate the signed tokens.
See Create a URL signing key API for full documentation.
// POST{"code": 0,"data": {"private_key": "(base64-encoded PEM file with private key)","id": "(unique signing-key identifier)","created_at": "(UNIX Epoch seconds)”},"message": "success","request_id": "c749ff23-9b69-4cf0-a99c-4c6c5fc62bdc"}
Step 3. Generate a JSON Web Token (JWT)
All signed requests have a JWT with the following payloads:
payload | Description | Value |
sub | Subject of the JWT | playback ID |
aud | Audience | The specified value is v |
exp | Expiration time | UNIX Epoch seconds when the token expires |
kid | Key Identifier | Key ID returned when signing key was created |
Step 4. Sign the JSON Web Token (JWT)
The steps can be summarized as:
Examples Golang
package mainimport ("encoding/base64""fmt""log""time""")func main() {playbackId := "" // Enter your signed playback id herekeyId := "" // Enter your signing key id herekey := "" // Enter your base64 encoded private key heredecodedKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(key)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("Could not base64 decode private key: %v", err)}signKey, err := jwt.ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM(decodedKey)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("Could not parse RSA private key: %v", err)}token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodRS256, jwt.MapClaims{"sub": playbackId,"aud": "v","exp": time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 15).Unix(),"kid": keyId,})tokenString, err := token.SignedString(signKey)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("Could not generate token: %v", err)}fmt.Println(tokenString)}
Step 5. Include the JSON Web Token (JWT) in the playback URL
Playback URL example:{playback_id}.m3u8?token={token}